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Workforce Planning As You Know It Is Dead: Skills Intelligence Can Bring It Back To Life

The traditional approach to Workforce Planning is not suitable for the modern business landscape – and it is on the way out. 

As organizations navigate a rapidly changing talent landscape, the limitations of their traditional Workforce Planning strategies have become glaringly evident. The era of manual, static annual planning, characterized by unwieldy spreadsheets, expensive consultants and rigid allocations, is over. 

It is giving way to something more dynamic – a real-time approach, driven by Skills Intelligence and AI.

It’s time for a new approach to Workforce Planning ⭐

Today, businesses face escalating skills gaps, alongside huge demand for ever-evolving expertise. The five-year “half life” of skills has dropped to around four years, particularly for technical skills. 

This discrepancy between skill demand and supply has revealed the shortcomings of conventional Workforce Planning, which struggles to keep pace with industry changes. 

You can’t hope to make a usable plan for your talent needs once a year. Today’s business landscape demands true talent agility. 

CEOs are well aware of the impact talent shortages have on growth, with workforce plans a top three priority for 2023. Yet, the traditional approach is flawed. In a world characterized by rapid market shifts and technological breakthroughs, making decisions based on outdated plans is a real risk. 

chart - workforce planning a priority

Enter real-time Workforce Planning. Powered by AI and Skills Intelligence, this innovative new approach lets organizations harness the power of up-to-the-minute insights about their talent and the wider talent landscape. 

With the latest AI-powered tools, organizations can collect and understand talent data in real time, to help with quick and proactive decision making. This agility is particularly important as businesses pivot into new markets, launch new ventures, and adapt to changing customer needs and demands.

The power of Skills Intelligence 💡

The cornerstone of this transformation is Skills Intelligence. This means having a comprehensive understanding of the skills landscape within and beyond the organization. 

With a clear skills taxonomy and a single source of skills data, businesses can start to map out connections between skills, roles, and business objectives. This holistic view allows for smarter allocation of talent to tasks and projects, enhancing overall effectiveness.

AI also plays a pivotal role in revitalizing Workforce Planning. By validating and enriching data, AI ensures the accuracy and relevance of talent-related insights. It can also identify hidden skills amongst employees, which might otherwise go unnoticed – unlocking new opportunities for talent deployment. 

AI-driven analytics can give you a comprehensive assessment of skills demand and skills supply, guiding organizations toward the most strategic workforce interventions.

skills matching

Embrace real-time, skills-centric Workforce Planning 🚀

In practice, real-time Workforce Planning allows organizations to quickly identify internal or external talent that aligns with emerging opportunities and challenges, and means businesses can be truly agile. It revolutionizes talent-related decision making.   

The demise of traditional Workforce Planning is not a loss, but a much-needed evolution. By adopting real-time Skills Intelligence and AI, organizations can thrive in an era defined by constant change, the need for agility, and accelerated technological innovation. 

With smart tools, companies are closer to achieving skills nirvana: ensuring the right people are in the right roles at the right time, on an ongoing basis; enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and gaining a competitive edge. 

The verdict is clear: traditional Workforce Planning is dead, making room for a new era of dynamic, data-driven talent allocation.

Read more in our latest report, RIP Workforce Planning.