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Harnessing HR Technology To Drive Organizational Productivity

This new report from CRF, featuring insights from Sultan Saidov, Co-founder & Chairman of Beamery, highlights how HR technology can make organizations more productive.

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This new report from CRF, featuring insights from Sultan Saidov, Co-founder & Chairman of Beamery, highlights how HR technology can transform the role of HR, and ultimately make entire organizations more productive.

While AI tools are proliferating, meaningful productivity increases from its use are actually few and far between. With the year ahead heralding a doubling down on AI capabilities across almost every organization, be it through co-pilots, AI agents, digital twins or other AI solutions, it is critical that business and HR leaders can connect this evolving technology directly to business value.

To do this requires looking not just at the AI, but at the fundamentals of productivity – and being able to quantify the work, the people, and the ways of working that drive it. And it is exactly this quantification of productivity and its constituent parts – skills, capabilities and tasks – that is now being unlocked by HR technology.

AI-enabled solutions can allow HR teams to play the central and strategic role in turning the AI revolution into one that delivers tangible benefits for businesses and employees.

Those companies that are prioritizing the right technology foundations and consistent data, including AI ecosystems for their HR teams, are the firms poised to see the biggest improvements in productivity in the year ahead – with HR unlocking this impact through better talent decisions at every level.

Download the report to learn more.