Dynamic Job Architecture

Dynamic Job Architecture

Understand the skills required for any given role in your organization and unlock critical workforce insights.

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Create a single source of truth for roles and skills in your organization with dynamic Job Architecture, and lay the foundations for skills-based hiring, development and redeployment. 

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Unlock powerful workforce insights

Understand the skills you need to stay competitive, and make better hiring, developing, upskilling and mobility decisions.

Learn more about Workforce Planning

Launch a new Job Architecture in days (not years)

Skills are the backbone of your company… but your skills data is usually incomplete, siloed, and out of date.

Now, you can create and deploy a Job Architecture quickly, and manage it easily, to get a better handle on skills data, and realize ROI sooner. Apply the insights throughout the talent lifecycle, and connect this to labor market data and competitor intel to benchmark your efforts more effectively.

Learn more about maximizing data quality
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Beamery has allowed me to approach hiring from a skills perspective, and now I can consider candidates for multiple roles across the business.
Aidan O’BrienTalent Sourcing Specialist, Workday

87% of executives said they were experiencing skill gaps – but less than half had a clear sense of how to address the problem.

Product Launch - Summer 2023 - Hire for critical skills 

Hire for critical skills 

With real-time, dynamic data around the skills needed for each role you’re hiring for, it’s easier than ever for recruiters and Hiring Managers to get aligned – and get better AI-powered suggestions to identify the talent that best fits the requirements of the team.

Better develop and redeploy talent 

Create clear career architectures that allow employees to better understand what they need to do to progress. Recommend better development opportunities and align learning experiences with your upskilling needs. 

Read more on Talent Management
Screenshot - vertical progression skills gap analysis

Explore AI-Powered Talent Lifecycle Management and become a skills-first organization today.

  • Identify, recruit, develop, retain and redeploy talent with ease

  • Reduce time-to-fill by 30% and increase tenure by 2.5x

  • Customers see a 3-year ROI of 467%