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Getting More From A Talent CRM In Healthcare

In the Healthcare sector, it’s getting harder and harder to find and hire skilled practitioners. In the US, for example, there is predicted to be 1.2 million unfilled nursing positions in 2023, and 124,000 physicians by 2034. 

64% of business leaders in Healthcare see increasing skills shortages (harder to find the talent they need) as one of the biggest talent challenges in their organization over the next 12 months (compared to 54% across all sectors) – Navigating The Changing Talent Landscape

In order to provide quality patient care in this competitive labor market, HR teams in Healthcare must consider how they take a smarter approach to talent acquisition – and consider the use of a Talent CRM.  

What is a Talent CRM?

In the HR context, CRM stands for Candidate Relationship Management. This is a place for fully understanding candidates, keeping in touch with them, and finding relevant people to fill roles as they come up. A Talent CRM gives HR teams a view of job seekers and potential employees, and lets you create talent pools, to build and nurture relationships with passive talent in a tailored way.

Why use a Talent CRM?

You may have an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to manage candidates, but – if you hope to actually source candidates, as well as handle applications – you need a tool to manage that. Spreadsheets will only take you so far, especially in larger TA teams. A proactive approach to hiring is essential in Healthcare, where there are so many roles that are hard to fill. 

A Talent CRM gives you a pipeline of candidates and the ability to nurture relationships, as well as automating a lot of the manual tasks involved in the modern TA function.

Getting results from a Talent CRM

Step 1: Get all your contacts in the database

To excel in talent management, Healthcare organizations must first harness the power of data. Comprehensive candidate information is the bedrock of effective recruitment, and a Talent CRM serves as the repository for this crucial data. By capturing vital candidate details, including contact information, qualifications, experience, and requisition history, Healthcare companies can establish a single source of truth for candidate data. 

The ideal CRM solution will focus on skills and potential, in a bid to widen the pool of candidates and ensure you are able to find someone who can actually carry out the tasks associated with the role in question. 

82% of business leaders in Healthcare think talent approaches need to reflect a focus on skills rather than traditional job roles.

Building a Talent Community is the initial step in collecting data from potential candidates interested in joining your organization. In the Healthcare sector, this proactive approach lays a solid foundation for talent acquisition. By cultivating a talent pipeline through the Talent CRM, you can ensure a steady stream of qualified candidates, ready to be engaged when the need arises.

Step 2: Automate processes

Efficiency is paramount in Healthcare talent management, and automation is the key to achieving it. A state-of-the-art Talent CRM is not merely a data repository; it empowers HR teams to segment candidates into talent pools with the help of automated rules and workflows.

By automatically categorizing candidate data, based on skills, HR professionals can rapidly identify suitable candidates for specific roles, streamlining the recruitment process.

For instance, as the Healthcare sector sees increased adoption of advanced medical technologies, Talent CRMs can help you segment prospective employees based on their specialized technical skills.

90% of Healthcare leaders believe skills-first hiring can better align the needs of employees and employers, making work work better for everyone.

Reducing manual effort through data automation allows HR teams to focus on high-value tasks, such as conducting interviews and strategic talent planning. In the context of the fast-paced Healthcare industry, where time is of the essence, efficient recruitment processes can give your organization a competitive edge.

Step 3: Engage candidates

Tailored emails and targeted marketing campaigns (in the format of their choosing) can keep potential candidates informed about relevant job openings, company updates, and accolades, ensuring they stay “warm” for positions that may be suitable in the future. 

Through the power of AI, Healthcare companies can today personalize communications at scale – ensuring candidates receive vacancy information that aligns with their specific skills and interests, and boosting employer brand loyalty (even before they formally apply).

By cultivating strong candidate engagement, Healthcare organizations can build a pool of leads that are already aligned with their company culture, resulting in a smoother and more successful recruitment process.

Step 4: Proactive recruitment

Armed with valuable insights from the CRM, Talent Acquisition teams in Healthcare can anticipate future workforce needs well in advance – and become the proactive recruiters they need to be in this day and age. 

Just 53% of those surveyed in the Healthcare sector think leaders in their organizations know “to a great extent” what skills they may need in the future.

By nurturing relationships with prospective candidates ahead of time, Healthcare companies can cultivate an extensive pool of engaged leads. When the need to fill critical roles arises, this preparedness accelerates the recruitment process, reducing time-to-hire, and elevating the overall quality of talent brought onboard.

Given the dynamic nature of the Healthcare sector, a Talent CRM empowers organizations to scale their hiring efforts swiftly and tailor their recruitment strategies based on real-time business requirements.


60% of business leaders in Healthcare told us that how they tackle talent challenges will impact how well they perform as a business during uncertain economic times.

As the Healthcare sector continues to evolve, data-driven talent management through a powerful Talent CRM is a strategic necessity. Healthcare organizations must embrace this transformative tool to navigate the challenges of talent acquisition and retention effectively. 

From streamlining recruitment processes and nurturing candidate relationships to proactively planning for future workforce needs, a Talent CRM helps Healthcare companies position themselves to thrive in the fiercely competitive talent market, elevating their ability to deliver exceptional care and drive positive patient outcomes.

Get in touch with us to find out Beamery can help.