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The Latest Product News, May 2023

Want to see what’s new in Beamery and what you can get excited about? Here’s what you need to know about our latest product updates, and what’s coming soon…

Create a better candidate experience

Help your talent marketers and admins create a better candidate journey, and hire the right talent at the right time.

Stress-free, on-brand communications with Campaigns

We are happy to introduce a series of enhancements within Campaigns that give talent marketers new ways to reach their target audience with more confidence, with improved candidate communications, and consistent brand stories.

Save Drafts

Talent marketers and sourcers will soon have access to our new Save Draft functionality, which means you can send an email to thousands of candidates without any concerns. Communicating to a large audience can be daunting, especially when you cannot save the email as a draft without launching it. With this enhancement, we’re taking the stress out of email campaign launches, so you can ensure it's absolutely right before you send it.

(This will be available soon for Beamery users.)

Email Blocks

In addition, admins can now create common elements in Email Templates easily: they can quickly build and share reusable, pre-built design blocks, saving their teams valuable time and ensuring a better candidate experience.

(This new enhancement is available now, and you can watch the demo here.)


Finally, talent marketers will soon be able to easily schedule Campaigns to send at a future time – and improve candidate communications by better planning campaign roll-outs. Explore a neat UI and improved candidate communications with the flexibility to schedule emails on specific dates to give you more control over planning and campaign roll-outs.

(Available soon for Beamery users.)

Scheduling Campaigns

Create a seamless employer brand with Custom Web Domains

In case you missed it... Custom Domains provide candidates with a more personalized experience, as the URL is tailored to the employer’s branding. This can help to increase the likelihood of them submitting their details and following through with their application.

custom web domains

For employers, custom domains are a great way to maintain brand consistency and build a more recognizable employer brand. It can also help to increase brand recognition, trust, and conversion rates. Your URL can be fully customized to your organization; all you need to do is have your domain configured.

In other words, this new functionality can help you:

  • Reduce trepidation around unknown URLs: Offer clear and confident navigation for all candidates looking to connect with your organization. Prevent surprises when candidates land on any pages powered by Beamery, such as Career Sites or Events.
  • Leverage your employer brand: Adhere to your company branding guidelines and deliver clear and confident navigation for all candidates looking to connect with your organization.

This feature is available now. Please reach out to your CSM with the custom web domain you want to use, to get the process started!

Watch this video to learn more.

Explore more efficient nurturing with our Recipes enhancements

Beamery Recipes are automated workflows that you can use to nurture candidate relationships, identify relevant candidates, and seamlessly manage candidates down the recruiting funnel – and ultimately save a lot of time. Check out how we have made the experience more accessible and how you can soon easily manage your recipes.

New-Look Recipes List

We are excited to introduce the new look for the Recipes List: making it more intuitive, more accessible, and easier to navigate than ever before. This feature is available to all users in Beamery.

Read more about Beamery’s Recipes.

Export Recipes

There’s more! Soon, you can easily create CSV exports to digest and manage your recipes offline. Super admins can now export this valuable data at the click of a button, so they can work with the insights at their convenience, and easily keep track of all the recipes, triggers, and filters. This allows them to audit their recipes, identify gaps, or eliminate unnecessary recipes.

(This feature will be available soon.)

Read more about Beamery’s Recipes.

Help TA teams to find better talent, faster

Reduce your time-to-fill by 30%, with AI Talent Match

We recently launched AI Talent Match, an exciting new way to score the skills of applicants and candidates against your ideal profile to increase efficiency – and identify the ideal hires. With this powerful tool, you can uncover talent faster: view suggested contacts, or relevant resurfaced contacts, with suggestions generated by explainable AI.

AI Talent Match is already available to some Beamery customers as part of our phased rollout. Please reach out to your CSM to find out when this will be switched on, if you can’t see it already!

Watch AI Talent Match in action.

Find the perfect candidate with AI Vacancy Calibration

Another feature released to customers recently was AI Vacancy Calibration: a new way to help managers and recruiters work together to find the perfect match for each role faster. Use Beamery’s explainable AI to ensure that new jobs are based on the needed skills, and fine-tune the job title, location, required skills, and seniority to build an ideal target profile. This new functionality can further help TA teams and Hiring Managers to reduce time-to-hire and find more quality candidates.

Watch our training webinar to learn more.

See what vacancies to prioritize, with Workspaces

We will soon be introducing a more accessible Homepage experience, helping TA teams and Hiring Managers to better understand the vacancies they have open, their status, and what needs to happen next.

The homepage is where you start your day, so getting a better overview is crucial. With the new experience, you will be able to see your tasks and notifications in one place, with expanded suggestions that help all users better manage their vacancies.

In addition, we are making it easier to prioritize tasks, with expected time-to-fill and recommended next steps for each vacancy. Hiring Managers and recruiters will understand what vacancy they need to focus on first, and have all the relevant information to proceed.

And there’s more! A new auto-generated tasks functionality is on the way, which will reduce manual work and removes friction from opening a role. There will also be a “Recently worked on tasks” feature, help busy hiring managers to prioritize their workload and become more efficient than ever before.

This new Homepage experience is part of our Labs program, introducing new Hiring Manager Experiences. You can read more about it and register your interest here (simply pick ‘Manager Experience’.)

Hiring Manager Experiences

Register your interest to join Beamery Labs.

The new Beamery Extension is getting even better, with Autopilot 2.0

Sourcers and recruiters might be familiar with Beamery’s Autopilot from the old version of the extension. Beamery’s Extension already helps you to reduce time-to-hire and find higher quality candidates, and now we are thrilled to introduce a better-than-ever experience of the Autopilot functionality.

With the new Autopilot experience, you can import contacts from LinkedIn en masse, with one click – so you can stop updating each contact individually and losing valuable time, better spent on other sourcing activities.

In addition, you can easily keep candidates’ data up to date by reviewing skipped Contacts and updating existing Contacts – ensuring that every candidate you’re looking at has the most relevant information.

The new Autopilot will soon become available for Beamery users.

The New Contact Importer

Beamery lets you import contacts at scale with full auditability and support for dynamic values. For anyone still using the old experience, we are happy to bring the new and improved experience to everyone shortly!

  • Import more than 20,000 contacts at a time.
  • Leverage better audit capabilities in order to self serve.

The new experience will become the default on 31 May.

Learn more about Beamery’s Contact Importer

Foster strategic collaboration with Managers

Bridge the gap between TA and Hiring Managers

Talent Acquisition teams and Hiring Managers often struggle to align, due to inefficient processes, too much back-and-forth, and a constant need to re-calibrate once the initial slate of candidates has been reviewed. Beamery is changing all that with new Hiring Manager Experiences: creating a bridge of trust and collaboration between Recruiters and Hiring Managers.

That’s why we are excited to share our new Beamery Labs program, focusing on capabilities to help TA teams and Hiring Managers to collaborate, reduce time-to-fill, and find better talent faster.

Explore new ways to work together to get the right talent into your business when you need it, prioritize the most critical vacancies, and focus on high-impact roles.

Beamery Labs is our partnership program and a chance for you, our customers, to test out our newest and most exciting features before anyone else. As part of the program, you can help us shape the direction of the industry and solve the most acute talent-related challenges.

Read more about the Hiring Manager Labs program, or join Beamery Labs today.

Empower managers to make better development and hiring decisions

Improve team performance by hiring and developing the right skills... and make the most of talent resources. Give managers insights into the skills required for different roles in their team, and help them see where they have gaps.

De-risk hiring and improve the quality of hire, with better collaboration between managers and recruiters on what they’re looking for in new starters. Better plan how to develop employees and communicate needs with L&D for more relevant learning initiatives.

Plus, with an aggregated view, talent leaders can slice and dice to see variances across teams, from department or org groups, to location or even gender. Prioritize critical hires with holistic insights into the composition of your workforce.

Want to learn more?

To explore more of our latest features and enhancements, you can simply:

About the Author

Andrew has worked for non-profits, universities, and world-class tech companies such as Apple, Box, and Splunk. He is currently VP Product Marketing at Beamery, where he drives the GTM strategy for the Talent Lifecycle Management platform.

Profile Photo of Andrew Keating