Talent Experience

Career Sites and AI Chatbot

Attract and engage talent, at scale, with personalized career sites and embedded AI chatbots that encourage top candidates to apply.

Screenshot - Hero - Career Sites and Chatbot
increase career site traffic year over year
growth in talent community signups
<3 hours
training to fully manage your career site
Screenshot of the Beamery product - Easily made modular Career Sites that are brand compliant

Treat your candidates like customers

Creative career sites act as a window into your organization. Deliver a beautiful, on-brand talent experience to make a great first impression and elevate your Employee Value Proposition.

Improve reach to hire faster

Boost search rankings with an optimized career site and embed an always-on, AI-powered chatbot to help candidates discover relevant jobs, answer questions, and schedule their first interview.

Screenshot of Beamery Careers Sites & AI chatbot product - Beamery AI chatbot conversing with candidate on career site

Prior to launching the new career site with Beamery, we were averaging about 200 people signing up to our talent network a month. Since then, we've seen upwards of 3000 new signups a month.

Headshot -  Zachary Donnarumma
Zachary DonnarummaAssociate Director of Talent Acquisition
Screenshot of the Beamery Candidate Portals product - Candidate signing up to the Talent Community

Grow your talent network

Stay connected with prospective candidates through talent community sign-ups on your career site and chatbots. Capture talent information and automatically populate contacts in the Beamery CRM for effective onward nurture.

Lower costs with efficient tech

Sync job postings across your ATS, Career Site, and CRM with robust integrations. Easily update and manage your career site content, eliminating agency fees.

Diagram - Data flowing through ATS, Career Site, and Beamery CRM
Resource - Draft Kings
Case Study

Discover how DraftKings implemented a creative career site as part of their broader nurture strategy

DraftKing created an engaging experience that would allow their career site to act as a key vehicle to capture sign ups to their talent community. This allowed them to nurture candidates and have a pool of talent ready for when the next job opened.

Resources - whitepaper-a-winning-talent-experience-beamery-2024

Learn how you can personalize the candidate experience and take your career site to the next level

When people are looking for a new job, they will have some tried and tested places they start. If you are lucky (as an employer), these folk will discover – or even seek out – your company, and your own website. What happens when they get there?

Resource - Verizon
Case Study

Hear how Beamery helps Verizon bring their employer brand to life

Our AI-powered platform allowed Verizon to bring a whole host of benefits to its sourcing and recruiting marketing professionals, while improving the candidate experience. This included creating a new careers site to elevate their new employer brand.

Make better talent decisions