Get relevant, contextualized insights, and apply them to decisions across the talent lifecycle, backed with valuable knowledge from the external labor market.

Real-Time Labor Market Insights
Make informed choices and build better talent strategies. Bring clarity to important decisions, such as whether to hire externally or upskill internally, and understand the costs involved, based on robust industry benchmarks.
Companies need technology that helps them visualize skills gaps in their business, mapped to real-time labor market data. With this, they can see whether to invest in hiring, mobility or upskilling efforts – and can effectively build a workforce that is fit for the future.
Keep your Job Architecture up to date and actionable
Increase confidence in your skills data by taking an always-on approach. See industry-specific trends around how competitors are hiring, with tailored insights into emerging skill sets, or those quickly becoming obsolete in your industry.

Transform your recruiters into strategic talent advisors
Surface regional and industry-specific benchmarks when defining parameters for a vacancy. Give recruiters accurate data they can share with Hiring Managers before the kick-off meeting for approval – creating greater transparency and alignment between teams.
Plan ahead for fluctuations in supply and demand
Observe what’s happening in the market around you by competitor, industry or location - and take into account various trends like seasonality when making important talent decisions, including when or where to hire.

Webinar: Using Market Insights
Skills-Based Evolution: Using Market Insights To Evolve Your Workforce Strategy
Whether your skills data hasn’t been looked at in years, sits across multiple sources, or you are yet to start your skills journey but don’t know how to start – this webinar could help. We will show you how embedded market insights on the future demand and supply of skills can help you build the business case, and ultimately drive better workforce planning for your organization.

AI-Powered Talent Lifecycle Management Platform
Talent Acquisition

Easily identify, engage and hire talent with the right skills and potential, to speed up hiring cycles and reduce costs.
Workforce Planning
Skills Intelligence

Explore AI-Powered Talent Lifecycle Management and become a skills-first organization today.
Identify, recruit, develop, retain and redeploy talent with ease
Reduce time-to-fill by 30% and increase tenure by 2.5x
Customers see a 3-year ROI of 467%