Align for more precise hiring
Recruiters and sourcers can easily collaborate with Hiring Managers, and find higher quality candidates, with more specific and well calibrated job searches. Define the needs of the role together, based on skills, seniority, and location, to get a better shortlist of candidates – and improve visibility into the process.
Reduce time-to-fill
Sourcers and Hiring Managers can understand candidates’ skills and potential faster, without opening a resume. TA can share candidates’ profiles and exchange feedback and opinions easily, keeping Hiring Managers on top of all the relevant information before the screening call.
Transform your TA team into market experts
Help Hiring Managers make data-informed decisions and achieve clearer alignment, even before the kick-off meeting. Get a better understanding of the supply and demand of skills, and the top and emerging skills in a given market.
Discover best-fit candidates with AI
Jump-start your sourcing efforts with a ready pipeline of high-quality candidates, taking title, seniority, role, skills, company size and industry into account. Align and re-calibrate the vacancy to find the best possible talent quickly, thanks to the power of AI.
Align faster with dynamic Job Architecture
Ensure Hiring Managers have realistic expectations about the skills they really need. See the “critical” and “standard” skills for a specific role, using your company’s unique and dynamic Job Architecture.
Better collaboration in the flow of work
Discover a smoother Beamery experience than ever before, thanks to integrations with Slack & Microsoft Teams. Hiring Managers can complete recruiting-related tasks and work progress in their favorite applications and systems, allowing them to review candidates, share feedback, and better align with recruiters without changing the application.
AI-Powered Talent Lifecycle Management Platform
Talent Acquisition
Easily identify, engage and hire talent with the right skills and potential, to speed up hiring cycles and reduce costs.
Workforce Planning
Skills Intelligence
Explore AI-Powered Talent Lifecycle Management and become a skills-first organization today.
Identify, recruit, develop, retain and redeploy talent with ease
Reduce time-to-fill by 30% and increase tenure by 2.5x
Customers see a 3-year ROI of 467%